Wednesday, June 10, 2009

My drawing, published in the very first issue of Smoke Signal!

Stop buy Desert Island and pick up a copy, it's free!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

post office post

Readers of this blog are probably very curious as to how i feel about the Post Office on Varick St. The answer? Not to shabby! I have been working in this neighborhood for lo these two months now and have become quite familiar with this branch of the united states postal service. And if you think i am some noob when it comes to judging post offices, think again my friend. I measure all new york post offices i enter against, both, a standard of excellence (Grand Central Post Office) and inadequacy (Williamsburg Post Office).

If you see this post office in your neighborhood turn the other way. Don't take my word for it read these reviews, surely written by people with faces fixed in masks of unamusement... possibly blind rage.

I know my many (2) readers are also wondering what i think of all the Late Night Talk Show changes happening. I'll save that for another post...